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Teleport Pipes + World Anchors/Teleport Tethers not working



Title: Teleport Pipes + World Anchors/Teleport Tethers not working

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Window 7 Home Premium 64bit

Java Version: Java Version 7 Update 4, build 1.7.0_04-b22

Description of Problem:

I am trying to run a quarry far away from my house on my private server. To do this I am trying to use teleport pipes to span the long distance rather than a ton of regular pipes. However, the chunks are far enough away that when I stand near one teleport pipe, the other is unloaded, to fix this problem I tried to use teleport Tethers from the Additional pipes mod, The tethers say the chunks that the pipes are in are loaded, however the pipes still don't see each other, I've triple checked that the pipes are on the same frequency, yet they still don't work. Then I tried using the World Anchors from railcraft to no avail, they still don't work, even if I place the world anchor directly next to the pipes in question, any ideas? If you need anymore info about my problem, I will be happy to provide as much info as I can.

Error Messages:


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Yeah, they are very buggy. Teleport tethers don't work at all and World anchors works only on specific machinery (for example pumps or plants growing does not work).

So any idea on how I could get my quarry working? Or is there no definite solution?

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Try to get someone to stand on transmit side of teleport pipe and you on receive side just to be sure that unloaded chunks are main issue.

But otherwise, no. There is no solution unfortunately. Maybe if you run a server or know owner, you can add plugin that keeps chunks loaded. It might be better.

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