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Can't log into server: internal exception: java.util.zip.ZipException: not in GZIP format



Title: Can't log into server: internal exception: java.util.zip.ZipException: not in GZIP format

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Java Version: Java 7

Description of Problem:

whenever i try to log into a server it says logging in then internal exception: java.util.zip.ZipException: not in GZIP format

and it wont let me log in

Error Messages:

Error Log:

6 answers to this question

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this can all so be just a corupted inventory file we had the same problem happen yesterday on our server when some one picked up a iron shovel from a zombie drop. we also tryed crafting one and it did the same thing the only way we could solve the problem was by going in and deleteing there player file hope this helps

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My friend had this and there is a simple solution. If you can't delete the player.dat file then you can set up a machine to take the corrupted item out of the inventory. What I did was set a /f home over an obsidian tube leading into a diamond chest. When he spawned there he did /suicide and it got rid of the corrupted item. Then the leftover item was put in an incinerator and it was all sorted out. Like soloian said it was a iron shovel so maybe avoid mobs with an iron shovel? I hope this helped

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Iron shovel takes up the space as every DISABLED item that was disabled in configuration, use a plugin if you encounter this error and reset your config.

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