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Teleport Pipes Not Working From Large distnaces



Title: Teleport Pipes Not Working From Large distnaces

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

OS: OSX 10.7.4 and Windows 7

Java Version: java 6

Description of Problem:

Ok, recently i have been playing tekkit wit a few of my budddies. Then a couple of days ago i set my quarry to get up and running again. So i hooked up and energy link to my mfsu and then to a power teleport pipe then when i hooked up the power teleport pipe to the quarry i noticed when the pipes were on the same frequencies the connected pipes interval said 0. I then tried item teleport pipes and the same issue. My next course of action was to upgrade to 3.1.1 and the same issue. I then put the teleport pipes right next to each other and it said they were connected. Anyone know a way to fix this? If you want any snapshots or a video of the problem let me know if you think it will help solve the problem.

Error Messages:


Error Log:


15 answers to this question

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Check the /buildcraft/config/additionalpipes.cfg and make sure powerloss=1, not 0.995 which was/is the default

i did that but nothing changed. Also what exactly does that do?

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The pipes should also display an owner. They must have the same owner and the same frequency to be connected. I think owner is determined by who crafted them, but it might be who placed them or something.

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At what distance does the problem become apparent? how many chunks?

about 10-12 chunks away it varies from 0 connected pipes or 1 connected pipe.

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Ummm, that's the cutoff (10 chunks) for default loading of chunks. Do you have a chunk loader in the area of each end? If not, I'm pretty sure teleport pipes of any kind don't load chunks.

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hmm i did a test and it seems in the past i may of somehow had chunk loaders set up wrong? One last question what's better world anchors or teleport tethers?

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I had this problem the other day. I had teleport tethers installed and had no luck. Then I switched to a world anchor and now it works.

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