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Tekkit Server Problems

bop scope


Title: Tekkit Server Problems

Version: 3.1.1

OS: Windows 7 Professional

Java Version: Java 7, Update 5 (build 1.7.0_05-b06)

Description of Problem:

Sorry for not making the title more descriptive, but I can't explain my entire problem so easily.

So, until recently, my tekkit was working fine on servers. But just a couple days ago, a weird problem started occurring. When I stand on the pressure plates to open my Iron door, it does not open to me, but for everyone else it is. They can walk through it, but I can't. When I flick a lever to try to turn on my machines, it takes quite a bit before it actually changes sides; and even after that the machine looks really laggy. I see stuff that popped into another chest a minute ago go through the pipes. Whenever I place blocks, they don't appear for a bit unless I reconnect. Also I constantly get "End of stream" errors and Java.IO.IOexception(Not enough data), but chat doesn't lag.

People say I am just having lag, but before it was working perfectly. I have tried redownloading my tekkit installation, reinstalling Java, but it doesn't help.

Error Messages:

End of stream

Java.IO.IOexception (Not enough data)

Error Log:


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Ok this maybe either a lag issue as you have stated or a memory issue, open the launcher and clear your cache try that. If nothing then go to %appdata% and delete the tekkit folder and have your launcher do a fresh install of it reconnect. Also is your chat laggy or is it generally the case with it all. Also make sure that tekkit has enough memory to use, you can assign more memory in the options area of tekkit. If you need more memory make sure applications are not running when playing or your not using a texture pack as that is very memory consuming.

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