Title: Quarry Defaulting to 9x9, Ignoring Landmarks
Version: 3.1.1
OS: Win7 64bit
Java Version: JDK 64bit
Description of Problem:
When placing a quarry, it fails to recognise any landmarks that are placed and activated and keeps defaulting to the normal 9x9 quarry area.
The first landmark is placed next to where the quarry will be, the others all connect up no problem when activated, I've been recommended to activate the first one again and then to place the quarry as this is a known bug but it doesn't seem to have helped since I'm still getting the same issue.
I've also tried pointing the quarry in another direction, moving the quarry and using redstone torches to get the blue guidelines from the landmarks before placing and activating them.
The quarry itself is powered by a couple of redstone engines and works perfectly well, it just ignores the landmarks every damn time I place it down and keeps defaulting to 9x9.
I am going to scream.
Error Messages:
There are no error messages, just the red line from the landmarks and the black and yellow line from the quarry's default 9x9 area clipping through each other and looking weird where they line up.
Dr Tanner
Title: Quarry Defaulting to 9x9, Ignoring Landmarks
Version: 3.1.1
OS: Win7 64bit
Java Version: JDK 64bit
Description of Problem:
When placing a quarry, it fails to recognise any landmarks that are placed and activated and keeps defaulting to the normal 9x9 quarry area.
The first landmark is placed next to where the quarry will be, the others all connect up no problem when activated, I've been recommended to activate the first one again and then to place the quarry as this is a known bug but it doesn't seem to have helped since I'm still getting the same issue.
I've also tried pointing the quarry in another direction, moving the quarry and using redstone torches to get the blue guidelines from the landmarks before placing and activating them.
The quarry itself is powered by a couple of redstone engines and works perfectly well, it just ignores the landmarks every damn time I place it down and keeps defaulting to 9x9.
I am going to scream.
Error Messages:
There are no error messages, just the red line from the landmarks and the black and yellow line from the quarry's default 9x9 area clipping through each other and looking weird where they line up.
Error Log:
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