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Minecraft Tekkit Series [Spanish]


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Hello everybody,

First of all we'd like to thank the mods, admins and everybody in this community who has been working and helping on making this wonderful pack. We've been following it for a while since we first saw it in a Yogscast video.

We've recently gathered up enough courage to start making our own productions. We are making a different approach to the Let's Play videos where we try focusing more on the story and less on the actual building proccess.

Since we've seen very few tekkit videos in Spanish, we have chosen this mod to show the large community of Spanish speakers a little glimpse of the wonderful things one can achieve with it.

We hope to do one's bit and help promoting this awesome pack, and hopefully make people enjoy it in the process.

Although minecraft is not the only game we're uploading to our channel, we are turning it into our priority and commiting ourselves to upload at least 2 videos a week. You're welcome to check the other videos too.

Here's the link to our channel and thanks for taking the time to read the wall-o-text and joining our adventure!

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