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Redpower Retriver not working as documented



Title: Redpower Retriver not working as documented

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Server linux, xlents various

Java Version: Client or server? No idea on the server, as provided by Beastnode.com

Description of Problem:

The retriever accoding to the redpower wiki http://integratedredstone.wikispaces.com/Redpower+Machine does the following "Anystack Sequential: Every pulse the slider moves from slot to slot and waits until it can pull the specified number of that item from a connected inventory."

It doesn't do that, the slider only moves when there is no more to pull in the currentl position.

So for instance.

I have an alloy furnance I want to put 64 iron bars in and 256 redstone.

I should be able to place in the retreiver 16 iron bars and 64 redstone, and then (subuject to materials being availble) pulse the retreiver 8 times.

First pulse should pull 16 irons bars

Second puslse should pull 64 redstone

Third 16 iron bars

Forth 64 redstone

etc until 8th pulse at which point 64 bars and 256 redstones should now have been moved to alloy furnace.

What actually happens (against subject to avaialability) is that the alloy furnace is stuffed with iron bars (16 on each pulse) untiil pulses end or furnace is full.

Error Messages:


Error Log:


1 answer to this question

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It has been confirmed to me that this "error" exists outside of Tekkit in native Redstone mod, I have raised the issue on the Minecraft forums on the RedPower thread.

It may be a case of bad documentation.

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