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Screwed up mods/Launcher/and folder

Rylan Sparks


Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium

Java Version: latest

Antivirus Program: MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, Windows Security Essentials

Description of Problem:

I have several issues with either the launcher or mods. When I try to load technic or tekkit, it just opens minecraft 1.2.5, since apparently it runs on 1.2.5. My "Select Mods" button is also shaded/greyed out so I cant use that. I was wondering if there is any way to COMPLETELY remove both the Technic Launcher, and all the mods off of my computer so that it is back to the way it was when I FIRST downloaded the launcher? Also, I have nothing in my .techniclauncher folder other than technic-launcher.jar. I have no logs or mods in there, but it was working fine yesterday. I don't know why nothing is in there, but this is VERY urgent!

Error Messages:

Folder contains none

Error Log:

Folder contains none

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Since you obviously didn't search the forums so I will point you in the right direction...

Technic/Tekkit runs on Minecraft 1.2.5 because that is the highest version the mods in the pack are updated for.

The mod select button is greyed out in Technic because of an issue with Forge, you need to manually remove the mods from your folder

To repopulate your .technicpack folder, delete it and redownload the launcher

Also why is this VERY urgent? Has your brother been kidnapped and held ransom until you give the kidnappers 200 diamonds?

Also, also, are you using TWO anti-viruses?????

EDIT: Just looked up MalwareBytes Anti-Malware...I am ashamed to say that their site made me chuckle

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Since you obviously didn't search the forums so I will point you in the right direction...

Technic/Tekkit runs on Minecraft 1.2.5 because that is the highest version the mods in the pack are updated for.

The mod select button is greyed out in Technic because of an issue with Forge, you need to manually remove the mods from your folder

To repopulate your .technicpack folder, delete it and redownload the launcher

Also why is this VERY urgent? Has your brother been kidnapped and held ransom until you give the kidnappers 200 diamonds?

Also, also, are you using TWO anti-viruses?????

EDIT: Just looked up MalwareBytes Anti-Malware...I am ashamed to say that their site made me chuckle

First off, Yes I am using two anti-viruses, and I have had a very good experience with MalwareBytes. But, I have tried deleteing and reinstalling the launcher PLENTY of times, and it has had no effect on anything.technic.png

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When I said I chuckled at the MalwareBytes, I meant because of the humour not the program itself. Can you actually use the launcher? What happens if you try to play?

Yes, I can use the launcher, but when I try to launch the game, it just launches the vanilla and unmodded 1.2.5

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OP: Are you sure you're in the correct User (account) directory? The files shouldn't disappear, but you may not be looking in the right folder.

I believe so, because thats where my .minecraft is and where the launcher installs to. But there was never any files in the .techniclauncher folder in the first place

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I believe so, because thats where my .minecraft is and where the launcher installs to. But there was never any files in the .techniclauncher folder in the first place

If there were never files there in the first place, how was it "working fine yesterday"?

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I have no clue... Good luck Torezu

My computer is a peice of crap laptop. It wouldnt surprise me if it just decided to screw it up. Sometimes I swear that there is a person in Japan watching me through my webcam, who makes stuff screw up at the worst possible moment.

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My computer is a peice of crap laptop. It wouldnt surprise me if it just decided to screw it up. Sometimes I swear that there is a person in Japan watching me through my webcam, who makes stuff screw up at the worst possible moment.

Okay I was done but now I'm interested again... Why Japan?

Also (I just realised how often I say that....), at least I fixed some of your problems :)

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We can try, so lets recap what is the issue currently? Is the . techniclauncher folder empty? Can you launch the launcher/mod packs? Do you get any errors?

EDIT: Off-topic, I always had trouble picking my avatar until Valkon made me this one.

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