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MFE exploding devices

Noah Smith

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I was using a set up that worked perfectly where it went like this

Engine Generator HV -- MV Transformer -- LV Transformer -- Batbox

and it was all connected by 4x Ins. HV Cable. Now I replaced the batbox with a MFE and now whenever I try to use power with my appliances that are connected to it they exploded.

Please help, also the devices were attatched with Ins Copper Cable then I switched to Ins Gold Cable and had the same issue

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*FacePalm* O.k what the dude named DELTALON.exe said is right the mfe transmits 128 EU machines can only take 32 so in order to fix that get a LV Transformer. :)

I was using a set up that worked perfectly where it went like this

Engine Generator HV -- MV Transformer -- LV Transformer -- Batbox

and it was all connected by 4x Ins. HV Cable. Now I replaced the batbox with a MFE and now whenever I try to use power with my appliances that are connected to it they exploded.

Please help, also the devices were attatched with Ins Copper Cable then I switched to Ins Gold Cable and had the same issue

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