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Hey guys I got my server up and running all looks and runs good except my quarry I built it got it all hooked up and fueled and it doesn't work. It isn't not because I don't know how to put one together I have been building em on single player for a month it just wont run in SMP anything I can do to fix that problem? Seeing as it is my main fun in the game ATM :)


Do you have a permissions plugin on your server? I was having a similar problem and after I deleted the plugin for permissions the quarry started working. It has something to do with entities not being able to edit blocks or something, I am new to plugin management.


Buildcraft does many things by emulating a fake player, and then tricking the server into thinking that fake player is doing stuff that would be impossible or more difficult to do otherwise.

I sued to get weird errors sometimes when the server tried to kick buildcraft for moving wrongly and stuff, heh.

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