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So I rented an open mod java server from verygames.net and have tried to install tekkit on it. I found a tutorial video and followed every single step to install tekkit. When I try to start up the server it crashes and tells me that the .jar server file is either invalid or corrupt. The version of tekkit I am trying to install is 3.1.2. I already put up a similar post on the very games forums a few days ago but I have not gotten a reply yet so I thought I would try these forums. I've had a group of friends waiting on me to get this set put for awhile so I would really appreciate help a soon as possible.


I tried redownloading the jar file multiple times and I even tried downloaded and installing Tekkit 3.1.1 and it still gave me the same error.

The error is "invalid or corrupt jarfile Tekkit.jar"


Doesn't work because the name is not the issue, it seems to be the file itself. Even when I change the name of the jar file it still give me the invalid or corrupt error. It has got to be something to do with the Tekkit jarfile itself that is on the tekkit website for download because I have tried redownloading the server files multiple times and it still gives me the invalid or corrupt error everytime so there has got to be something up with the download file on the tekkit website.


  "edipil said:
It has got to be something to do with the Tekkit jarfile itself that is on the tekkit website for download

If others don't have the same issue with the same download I don't see how you can be so sure of where your finger is pointing ;)

Does the verygames.net host state that they allow custom jars (I'm assuming that what "open mod java server" means, but I've never heard it said in those terms)? Might want to request assistance from them because I downloaded the Tekkit server files 3 times yesterday while fooling around with some custom setups and never ran into anything similar to what you're describing =/


Okay, maybe it isn't the download itself, that is just the conclusion that I have come to from what I have run into in trying to set up tekkit. The verygames server that I have rented allows you to completely customize your server with whatever including custom jar files. And lastly, I requested assistance on their forums 3 or 4 days ago and have gotten no responses, which is why I brought my issue to this forum.


I just ran the server on my computer and I did not get any errors. So should I assume then that the problem is with verygames' FTP server and that the Tekkit.jar is being corrupted during transfer?


Okay, well now that I have narrowed down the most likely source of the problem, I have contacted verygames to request their personal assistance in getting it fixed. Thanks for the help!

It can't be that their software doesn't like it because so many other people set up tekkit servers with them and their own website advertises that their servers are great for tekkit. So it must be the FTP server that they provided me with.

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