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[3.1.3] StarBattle Creative Server [creative][32 slot][whitelist][worldguard][logblock] Think Epic!


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  • 3 weeks later...

  • Your ingame name: emeraldmoonx
  • Screenshots for your best creations: I haven't built anything, but I'm willing to spend lots of time doing so, I can be on the open server for now, but it would probably take me a long time to build something awesome, so I'm posting here.
  • strength / weakness in Tekkit: Still kind of new to tekkit, since on minecraft forums they are really rare. I've only just joined these forums, I want to play tekkit for a new experience. My weakness would be my knowledge of tekkit, being so new. Not much strengths yet lol...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, Avo's been busy so sorry for the silence. I guess I'll take the initiative of handling this thread.

We have fixed our host issues by moving to another host so we are now up and stable at avogatro-mc.etheus.de:55554 (original post will be updated when Avo can be contacted).

plk458, if you're still around, you've been whitelisted, sorry for the extreme delay.

Emeraldmoonx, unfortunately our open freebuild plots server will be down for the foreseeable future. Please try and construct something that shows skill on single player or another server and upload screenshots of it to be considered for whitelisting - it doesn't have to be massive, a small, concentrated dose of skill and creativity will suffice.

Many thanks,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Rollermad

Pictures: Going to upload soon as I'm on iPod ;)

Strengths: Railcraft, Buildcraft and Mining. (I built a remake of the rollercoaster Oblivion at Alton towers. It's fully functional)

Weakness: I'm new so I'm bad at Machines but if I read about them I would learn as I'm a quick learner.

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Hi Coolguy, to upload screenshots, first find your Minecraft screenshots folder: in windows this will usually be in c:/Users/[PCusername]/Appdata/Roaming/.minecraft (for vanilla screenshots) or .techniclauncher (for tekkit screenshots), from there it should be pretty simple to find. Appdata by default is also a hidden folder so it may help to enable being able to see hidden folders. You can do this by going into Control Panel then going to Folder Options and finding it under the advanced settings in the View tab. Note: this is correct for the Windows 7 OS, if you use a different operating system you may need to refer to google.

Once you've found your screenshots, upload them to a site such as imgur.com, which will then give you a link to them.

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  • 1 month later...

ok... my user is fignewtan2 and i love tekkit and i have a great list of servers that know me. my weaknesses are machines (diamond machine, blaze rod machine) i can build almost anything..... i cannot post a pic bc idk how to take a screenshot of tekkit form a mac witch i am using but i can be really helpful in others projects too. i will do as it says and i never greif... i am going to build something and get back to you and post a pic... thx

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