jakj Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 I have literally just spent the last two hours on Google and in the source trying to figure this out. I have waded through Packets left and right. I cannot figure out where in the code the player's inventory is synched, and right now, any changes to ItemStack instances or calls to addItemStackToInventory and dropPlayerItem just result in a client-visible update that disappears as soon as the inventory is changed again by vanilla code (like throwing an item or picking up a stack). But looking at SlotCrafting, that's all it does! ItemStack var4 = var3.getItem().getContainerItemStack(var3); if (!var3.getItem().doesContainerItemLeaveCraftingGrid(var3) || !this.thePlayer.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(var4)) { if (this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(var2) == null) { this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(var2, var4); } else { this.thePlayer.dropPlayerItem(var4); } } That's what it does, for example, when you use milk buckets to craft a cake. Why when I use addItemStackToInventory and dropPlayerItem does it not sync, but when SlotCrafting uses them it does sync? Where is it synching!? :-( Quote
jakj Posted September 2, 2012 Author Posted September 2, 2012 @Override public boolean onItemUseFirst ( ItemStack Item , EntityPlayer Player , World World , int X , int Y , int Z , int Side , float HitX , float HitY , float HitZ ) { int Target = World . getBlockId ( X , Y , Z ) ; if ( Target == Block . stone . blockID ) { Item . stackSize -- ; PlayerUtil . Give ( Player , new ItemStack ( net.minecraft.src.Item . stick , 32 ) ) ; return ( true ) ; } return ( false ) ; } public static void Give ( EntityPlayer Player , ItemStack Stack ) { ( new RuntimeException ( "" + ( Player instanceof net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayerMP ) ) ) . printStackTrace ( ) ; if ( ! Player . inventory . addItemStackToInventory ( Stack ) ) { Player . dropPlayerItem ( Stack ) ; } } According to that diagnostic printout, whether on the integrated or dedicated server, the onItemUseFirst function is being called only client-side, which I do not understand, because ItemBucket has a right-click function that uses these same functions but synchs up just fine. (Well, mostly fine, but it's always right server-side and only a few display issues client-side now and then, as usual for Minecraft.) I understand that I could send a packet to the server to initiate the right-click function server-side, but not only is that more work than -should- be required (including the issue of then having to re-sync client-side), there's no reason I can see for it to be necessary. Quote
jakj Posted September 3, 2012 Author Posted September 3, 2012 Well, I'm going to call this a Forge bug because of the way they changed the function, because if I return false instead of true, meaning continue processing and attempt to activate the block, then the inventory synchs fine. Honestly, I can't be assed to even try to report this to the Forge people, because they just don't seem that receptive. I'm just going to leave it with sub-optimal behavior and call it a day. Quote
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