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My friends and I had a tekkit map back in April 2012 and I've recently put the old map onto a new tekkit server and the map had to be "converted"

I'm guessing because of the 1.1 - 1.2 map generation upgrade. So I converted to map and a jungle biome has spawned over half of where all our stuff was. Cuts right down the middle. I still have the original none converted map. Is there anyway I can play it without having the jungle spawn on top?

Any help would be amazing, thank you


Pretty sure that even if you could fix the world generation problem (I don't think you can) almost all of your items would be either gone or broken. When updates happen item ID's often shift around, meaning your old world will have item ID's that don't correspond to the correct item after updating.


What I don't understand is why did a jungle chunk randomly spawn right in the midde cutting through all of our stuff.

I'd like to just play the map on the older version of Tekkit, 2.0.0 but it won't let me downgrade.

It gets to 100% and says "upgrade failed"


That is usually what causes the Download Failed issue. Try reading the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky in the bug section. I don't know if there is anything for macs there but its worth a shot. If that fails post a bug report (be detailed) and we can try to help.


Well thanks for you help!

Funny thing is even on our vanilla minecraft server when 1.2.5 came out and our world had to be "converted" a huge jungle biome over wrote the sea right next to our town, luckily it spawned outside and I just easily removed it in MCedit and just replaced it with water to make a sea.

Have you heard of this problems happening? I've looked on a lot of forums and haven't seen any of these problems.


Generally when you try to do this it just causes CTD or white-screens so I would say that you are lucky to only have biome issues. I have not heard of this happening though and I don't know of any fixes sorry.


Yup we've had many biome issues, when travel far to unspawned ares it will generate a completely random terrain that doesn't match anything around, even some small sections where its hollow and goes straight to the void.

Thanks for your help.

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