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**NOTE** This is not a thread for tekkit suggestions, rather for mods which people want to install over tekkit just as they would install over vanilla Minecraft

Post here mods which are fully compatible with tekkit. The mods do not have to work in their entirety, but they MAY NOT disable a feature of Tekkit unless that is their intended purpose.

EXAMPLE: Zombe's Flymod should not be listed because it partly disables NEI. CJB's may be listed because it disables nothing in Tekkit, although features such as x-ray and item spawning will be missing from the mod.

Whether it be a flymod, tweak, addon, gui, or anything, feel free to post them here.

Of course, download the 1.2.5 versions of these mods if there are multiple listed.

CJB's Modpack

- Requires Player API to be installed first

- Do not copy the CJB_ITEMS.zip and CJB_ITEMSPAWNER.zip files

- Disable CJB's minimap from in-game


- Link is to direct download, as the creator stopped updating after 1.2.3

- Updated by GuntherDW

- Replaces Vanilla MC's copy & paste feature with it's own

Post more mods which work below.

On somewhat similar threads, mostly those about flymods, some people whine and complain about this "ruining" tekkit or being for the sole purpose of "hacking" servers. That is not the case. With most of these mods, server owners can disable them through a plugin or MOTD, and otherwise, they function exactly as they would on a non-tekkit server. If someone wanted to hack, they could download one of the few, free tekkit hacked clients, which I'm not going to list here for obvious reasons, although a quick google search would yield the results.


The suggestion thread's in the Technic forums. Try posting these there, rather than here.

These aren't suggestions, these are mods which people can install over tekkit if they so wish. As in, people who want better flying without relying on rings, or people who simply can't live without their favorite mods. I edited the post slightly to avoid this confusion, thank you for pointing this out.

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