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Powering a quarry wirelessly


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I've got a quarry to work wirelessly, finally. The setup is as follows:

10x Solar Array, connected by glass fibre cable ----> MFE ---> Energy Link ---> conductive copper pipe ----> energy teleport pipe.

On the other end, it's:

Energy teleport pipe ----> conductive copper pipe ----> quarry.

Now previously, the setup was as follows:

6x Solar Arrays, connected by glass fibre cable ----> MFE ----> Glass fibre cable ----> Energy Link ----> Quarry.

Now the difference between the two is huge, I could leave the old setup alone and it whould accumulate enough energy during the day to power the quarry at night. However, even with 10 arrays, the energy declines rapidly to the point of not being enough to power the quarry at night.

Am I missing something? Why is my energy consumption with this setup so much more? If anyone's got any tips, I'd appreciate it!

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