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Title: 0 FPS on servers...

Version: 3.1.2

OS: HP LG Windows

Java Version: 7

Description of Problem:

I'm getting 0 FPS when I play tekkit servers,and normal lag when I play single-player,I'm not sure if its considered a bug but I don't know how to use the questions place :P

Error Messages:


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2 answers to this question

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Depending on how many items are on the ground around you or how laggy the servers you are trying to play on are, this may not be something you can fix (unless you have permissions for //remove, etc.)

If there are no items on the ground near you and the server has no lag, then sorry I dont know how to help :P

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Yep,theres alot of things on the ground and running,but it was running really well one day then I got on later and it was lagging horribly,and its been lagging ever since,I've tried everything I can,deleting the .techniclauncher file,uninstalling and reinstalling tekkit,turning everything to whatever would make it fastest in the options,etc... :( I was so far too and I can't even transfer the world to singe-player to try it on there :(

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