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Hello and welcome to Of Epic Proportions.

My name is Izah and I am starting a YouTube channel. However before this commences, I will need something to put on it. I will be making an adventure map "Of Epic Proportions" based on a wonderful book I have read recently. I am expecting this project will take months to complete and perfect which is why I need your help.

I can't do this alone or it would take years so I am asking all of the minecraft comunity who would like to help out.

Without giving too much away, the book is called 'Mothership' by John Brosnan and I will post the blurb on the back of the book here in a moment.

Right, also if anyone is willing to help out with this project I may or may not need a server to do this on. A friend of mine may let me use his.

Is there any suggestions? Questions?

If you wish to help out, I will need you to fill out a little application form just to help me get a better idea of who you are and your building skills, also need to weed out the griefers.

So, here it is.

Name you go by:

Minecraft name:

The structure you are most proud of building:

How familiar are you with tekkit?:

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?:

A little blurb about you:

And now for the blurb on the book.

Since the Day of Wonder, when all the electric lights stopped working, there have been rumors of unrest in the neighboring domains—and no one has seen any of the Elite, the ruthless technocrat class that have ruled Urba for centuries. What most of the inhabitants don't realize is that their world of Urba is actually a giant spacecraft, an ark built more than a thousand years ago to save as much of the Earth's population as possible before the sun went nova. The Elite were originally the ship's crew, but as the centuries passed, they became decadent, corrupt, and cruel, and the truth about Urba became hidden. And now Jad and the courageous Prince are about to find out what happened to the Elite—and what's happening to the people of Urba.


Name you go by: Scar or Dan

Minecraft name: scarydeaddan

The structure you are most proud of building: The spawn (I didn't use it) for a bukkit server.

How familiar are you with tekkit?: I'm pretty familiar and I know my way around things.

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?: Seeing as I can only play on weekends in the morning, about 2 or if lucky 3 or 4

A little blurb about you: I have a little randomness to my builds and I like building very organic structures. I am also pretty good with MC technology like mods and plugins. (Shhhh... (I'm a terrible coder) ) and that's basically it.


Name you go by: Ash

Minecraft name: Killashley

The structure you are most proud of building: Made an entire city blended into the side of a volcano (took weeks) on a server with dedicated buildings for different things(farming/machinery/mine) and giant imposing walls. Or my factory on technic SSP thats automatically makes railcraft tracks, all controlled separately

How familiar are you with tekkit?: Very...but i dont use IC2...never really wanted to get into it

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?: Well i work full time, but im at my computer every minute when im not there...so quite a few

A little blurb about you: Im not a big talker...i like to build awesome things in peace...


Both of you sound like great assets to the project. If you can host a server, Scar, that would be awesome. I'm really keen for this to get under way lol. I think it would be best to make it a tekkit server just to add more sauce to the awesome.

Also, I'm not sure which mods we need to make this epic but I'm sure a bit of research and discussing will sort that.


I've already got a tekkit server underway and I just need to update it to 3.1.3 when I get back to my house (I'm at my gramp's house) :)

EDIT: I'm happy to see there hasn't been any Mod interruption on this thread. :D


Name you go by:IRHFA or Nick

Minecraft name:MJP12(noob name)

The structure you are most proud of building:A giant joker jack in the box

How familiar are you with tekkit?:I know a large amount about tekkit

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?:Maybe 8-10 I don't know exactly how much every week

A little blurb about you:I am a very odd person.My favourite color is black(Which is just the absence of color).I like to livestream and I would love to join your little map making group.


Name you go by:

Minecraft name: Awesomized

The structure you are most proud of building: Spawn for my server. (Ex-Admin)

How familiar are you with tekkit?: Very familiar, can make complex builds.

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?: 2 hours a day, minimum.

A little blurb about you: I like cats, my favourite colour is blue, I'm Australian, how about you? :)


Name you go by: Bank, Banksy or simply B

Minecraft name: BanksyStreetArt

The structure you are most proud of building: A fully automatic HV solar array factory

How familiar are you with tekkit?: Played about 6 months so i know almost everything about IC2 stuff, the most EE2, much RP2 and a little railcraft

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?: 10 if possible

A little blurb about you: I'm ok at english though i'm danish, can build with others, but i'm best building alone. Odd 15 year old... Not the best at building houses and stuff. Systems and stuff is my environment.


Name you go by:bob0711

Minecraft name:bob0711

The structure you are most proud of building:Probably an underground lab with a working elevator

How familiar are you with tekkit?:Very i know almost everything there is to know about it.

How many hours would you be willing to put into this a week?:20-30 probably

A little blurb about you:I am English and i like cake!


Name You Go Bye: Drew.

Minecraft Name: killer360.

Structure: Subway(tunnel 15,000 blocks long), fully functioning by red-power, rail-craft and IC2.

Familiar: 6 to 7 months experience.

Time: Most weekends 7 to 8 hours.

Random Things: Like Capitalization, Can Space Out Randomly, and I hate my minecraft name ( Too Bad There's No Change Name Option.)

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