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Tekkit Server Missing Items or blocks


Posted (edited)

I just made a tekkit classic server and the server shows that it's active in the minecraft sever screen but when you join it, it says connection lost end of stream.

In the command screen its says: 

There are 3 missing blocks and items in this save.
If you continue the missing blocks/items will get removed.
A world backup will be automatically created in your saves directory.

Missing Blocks/Items:


How should I got about fixing this issue. I've searched for threads for fixing this issue but I found nothing that would work. If you want a copy of the whole cmd promt I can pm you it, it's a 173 page PDF

Edited by RockinRedbull

4 answers to this question

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It sounds like you are using a world that was created on a different server that had mods that included those blocks, and now you are trying to launch it with a modpack that does not. 

Does the server complain of missing items when you launch it? If so, it wants you to type /fml confirm to finish removing them. If this world really was created with a different modpack, you may have other issues. 


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I generated a new map and still no luck. doing /fml confirm does not fix any issues as well. I read though some of the cmd prompt half of the information it is looking for it is find and the other half it's saying cannot find and stuff like that. 

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I currently doing a fresh restart from scratch, I redownloaded tekkit and the server. Making sure everything is the same. 

I must of had something out of date. Everything is booting correctly and I can join the server now. Still need to test it with a different computer, but seems to be working now

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