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Hello, I wanted to start up a server with one of my favorite mod packs of all time, Attack of the B-Team. I wanted to be a little nostalgic here and replay this modpack! If anyone else would like to play this and enjoy themselves on this whitelisted server I will let you know how!

As of now no banned mods or plugins


  • Enjoy yourself
  • No griefing (Griefers will be banned)
  • Use common sense
  • Be kind and respectful

To be on this server you have to submit a whitelist application:


Favorite Mod:
Least Favorite Mod:
Time Zone:
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft:
Why should we accept you?:
Skype:(If you do not want to give it out in public you can private message me instead)

Thanks for applying! Have a good day and I will get back to all applications in less than a day!

  • 3 weeks later...

IGN: Bobby_Bell
Name: Dimitris
Age: 26
Favorite Mod: Galacticraft
Least Favorite Mod: Whichcraft
Time Zone:  UTC -4
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft: More than 5 years
Why should we accept you?: Who doesnt want a greedy gold-digging,astronaut,adventurer, and a novel writer dwarf in their server!
Skype:(If you do not want to give it out in public you can private message me instead)    Dont know if it will work that way but add me on skype by my email : dimimis1991@hotmail.com

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

IGN: TylerM2000

NAME: Tyler

AGE: 17


LEAST FAVORITE MOD: I don't really have one

TIME ZONE: Eastern

HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN PLAYING MODDED MINECRAFT: I'm quite new to it. I played a little while back but didn't stay for long

WHY SHOULD WE ACCEPT YOU?: There really is no reason why you should accept me, I just would really appreciate it if I could join. this would be my first whitelist server and I'm hoping it would stop a lot of trolls, griefers, and generally rude people.\

SKYPE: I don't really use skype, I don't really like it. my GMAIL is "Tyler.Mitchell7202000@gmail.com" if we could discuss if it's ok not to have a skype, or if there are any other ways of getting a hold of me.

Edited by TylerM2000
  • 9 months later...

Favorite Mod:tinker's
Least Favorite Mod:none
Time Zone: central
How long have you been playing modded Minecraft: idk quite a few years
Why should we accept you?: There's no specific reason i just wanna play with people
Skype: i use discord

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