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Error downloading a file for the following pack: Fisk's Superheroes 1.7.10

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Error downloading a file for the following pack: Fisk's Superheroes 1.7.10


The modpack has always worked just fine, but after I updated the main mod, it started having this issues. I've tested it before uploading and it worked, but after I updated it, this error started appearing. It's weird, because for me it doesn't work, just like for some people, but most people can download it and play just fine.

I've done everything right, such as:
- Changing dl=0 to dl=1 (direct download);
- Installing forge again, and renaming it to "modpack.jar";
- Checked if my zip file is a real zip file;
- Deleted the modpack from dropbox and reinstalled, changing the download url and updating it on the platform.

Nothing works... Can somebody help me?

Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/fisks-superheroes-1710.1926702/about
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/epyrl5bpji5jv622875oy/Fisk-s-Superheroes-1.7.10.zip?rlkey=vjguu6d34freeu5lrs4lqqjc6&dl=1
My log: https://pastebin.com/FTbZiTCH

Edited by HoodedVigilante

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