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andom Textures before Textures disappear...



Launcher Version: Technic Launcher - - (Tekkit)

Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit w/ UnityDE

Java Version: java version "1.6.0_38"; Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_38-b05); Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.13-b02, mixed mode)

Antivirus Program: clamAV

Description of Problem:

he Technic Launcher will boot into the game, and if my computer is freshly restarted will play the game fine. After playing the game for a while the texture will start to change into a bunch of random textures before not rendering the textures at all.

The game does not crash from this issue, but does make it hard to find the chests that like to disappear.

Screenshot: http://imgur.com/5Yb5I

Short Description of Problem: Random Textures before Textures disappear...

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