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Issue: Some users getting disconnect.overflow

Disconnect.overflow is when the buffer of data that is queued to send to the client exceeds 1 MB (1,000,000 Bytes) the cause of this is almost always the clients/servers internet connection.

Possible fixes (Some work and some do not)

Fix 01: Change "network.updateFactor" in the buildcraft config to a larger number (in ticks) this means that buildcraft will only send new data to the client every ___ ticks, default is 10.

Fix 02: Change "loadLegacyPipes" in the buildcraft config to false (NOTE: if your server is older and predates buildcraft 2.2.5, this will make some old pipes disappear)

Fix: 03: Change "blocks.fakeplayerlogin" to true in the buildcraft config, this usually fixes problems with plugins reporting the blocks from quarries, pumps etc disappearing, as it is now registered as a player event. (NOTE: To make quarries, etc work with this, you have to OP [buildCraft]) This fix is usually not required and should only be used if no others work.

Fix 04: Increase the servers network connection.

Fix 05: Change timers to a lower interval and connect everything using said timers to one or two central timers with redstone/red alloy wire.

Fix 06: Dump "waste items" from factories into lava/condensors

Fix 07: Connect buildcraft pipes transporting the same thing to one central pipe (Like using one buildcraft pipe for two engines instead to two pipes)

Fix 08: Install clearlag/itemstacker

Fix 09: Reduce the overall amount of engines, pipes, tubes, redstone clocks, timers, sequencers, etc

General server lag (low TPS)

Server lag is (obviously) caused by the servers hardware being unable to keep up with the demands of the server (not to be confused with network latency) However, with tekkit, and the addition of automated machines, can seriously bog down a server even with no players on.

Fixes (In order of effectiveness):

- Increase the resources your server has (To increase RAM, simply edit your startup script and put larger numbers in the -Xmx and -Xms fields. Or install new hardware/move to a better machine

- Close any unneeded backround programs.

- Ban the chunkloader (Keeps chunks always loaded)

- To prevent memory leaks, set the server to restart every 2-12 hours

- Use advanced startup script:

java -Xmx[insert Max RAM here] -Xms[insert startup RAM here] -jar -Xincgc -server -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=2048 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xnoclassgc -oss4M -ss4M -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts Tekkit.jar nogui


- Disallow users from spamming timers/redstone clocks everywhere. (or ban them altogether) Or, encourage users to hook up all their contraptions to a few central timers.

General FPS lag.

FPS (Frames per second) lag is entirely client-side, however it can be reduced by removing some common things that cause it.

- Install clearlag to remove items every X minutes.

- Remove huge masses of lava

Please post suggestions to add to this below. These are all the fixes that worked on my server, however I'm not a complete expert either.


Does having one timer and a lot of wire instead of two timers really reduce lag? I think timer lag is largely due to timers updating the wires every x ticks, then the wires lighting up and updating all surrounding blocks' lighting. So having two timers would mean less wire and thus less lighting updates. But of course adding and extra timer adds to lag too. I haven't read eloraam's or anyone's actual code behind this so just guessing...

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