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Newb needs info


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Hey everyone,

I just recently got into minecraft because the Yogscast youtube videos made me curious. They play with Tekkit, so I wanted to do that as well. However, I'm a bit confused about some things and was hopping someone could help me knock out a few questions:

1. I have the Technic Launcher and it gives the option for Tekkit lite or Tekkit Classic.. which one do I want?

2. When looking for servers to play on, they're just listed at "Tekkit" so which version do I choose?

3. When I look at the mods list in the game, it says things like "Metadata not found." Does that mean I did something wrong?

That's the most important questions I have right now, besides figuring out how to play the game (but I like that mystery). Thanks for reading!

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1. You want Tekkit Classic. Tekkit Lite will make you pregnant, then steal your illegitimate children.

2. You choose whatever version you so desire, but do so on the understanding that you will always be wrong.

3. In order to correct the Metadata issue, you'll need a 4-Dimensional screen. If you're in the UK, you can buy one from Comet.

You're welcome!

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1. You want Tekkit Classic. Tekkit Lite will make you pregnant, then steal your illegitimate children.

2. You choose whatever version you so desire, but do so on the understanding that you will always be wrong.

3. In order to correct the Metadata issue, you'll need a 4-Dimensional screen. If you're in the UK, you can buy one from Comet.

You're welcome!

I never knew I was so wrong all this time. These four dimensional screens are awesome! I can see smells, man!

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