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[0.5.2]RageCraft[PvE/PvP][20 slots][Open Server][No EE][No MystCraft]


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This is a new tekkit lite server, so the spawn is not built. I will add pictures as players join and build. I was tired of looking for a tekkit lite server that i would enjoy do i decided to host my own.


24/7 Uptime

Mods that have been removed: EE/Mystcraft/NetherOres

Banned items: Any chunk loader blocks/quantum-nano armor/nano sword/mass fabricator

Rules: Respect other players and Admins.

Don't use items to bypass protections (will result in perm ban)

Do not craft/use banned items. (will result in perm ban)

No Spawn Killing/harassment or racism

Don't use glitches/game mechanics to gain unfair advantage over other players

More rules will be added as needed

Server Plugins: Chestshop




Im looking for players who like to PvP/PvE and work together to achieve goals. So if thats you come on in, lets play with or against each other. Also if you have any suggestions i would love to hear them!

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