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Custom Mod Pack Help


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So, I have been paling around on technic for a while, and I always found that there were just too many mods for my liking. I could never get any mods to work without a third party program making ends meet, and even then, I was having trouble. Modloader, not forge worked, and I couldn't get anything to work just on it's own. As you can imagine, I was ecstatic at the prospect of mod custom packs. I am really new here (I know that seems like a low effect post, but I am,) and I have no clue what I am doing. I'm on a mac, and I only want build craft, industrial craft, Zepplin mod, and secret rooms mod. I anyone could give me more detailed instructions as to how I should go about doing this, help would be Appriciated!!

Thanks in advance!

PS. I had no idea where to post this. Is this the most appropriate place?

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