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frame quarries/ microblock lag


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I'm trying to figure out something with regards to lag I am having with a frame quarry. On this server there are 2 frame quarries. The first quarry presents no lag for me whatsoever when not in use. My quarry however lags me in a steady wave of pulses like maybe block update ticks?

Both quarries are 16x16 in base

Both have on board sorting setups and a skirt system with deployers

My quarry uses more than one kind of block type for the covers/panels. It was made to be more of a mobile house so it has windows and a drivers cab view.

It's important to note this is lag when the machines are not running. So its a lighting/microblock thing I'm sure. If I can get some folks to mess around and see if they can replicate this though that would be cool.

Exterior- obsidian/sandstone covers on the verticle surfaces and wood plank covers on the horizontals. Cobble panels on the roof for blusolars.

Interior wood covers and cobble panels with a few obsidian panels.

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