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Flabbawaffle (ಠ_ృ) Hit up VOLTZ


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Who we are

We're 2 Aussie gamers who after having a successful run with tekkit have decided to take over the world with the VOLTZ pack. We're a channel with 'plenty' of minecraft related videos as well as various Let's Plays such as Borderlands and DmC and our most watched Redstone for Dummies.

Content of VOLTZ

So expect a comedic VOLTZ playthrough with minimal idiocy and obviously ground-breaking builds.

VOLTZ will be either every 2nd or 3rd day depending on reception.


Linko Dinko

Warning Coarse Language

For non technic related updates


The boys hit up old friend Obama to help them out with the dilly dallying of VOLTZ and head straight into the fun of renovating and engine building!

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