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[0.57][Survival](No PvP)[Whitelist](8 Slots) [No Banned Items]

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A fun server so people can have fun and play some Tekkit. It has 8 slots and 3 of them are already filled. No banned items, but try to be nice and helpful to some others that might need help on a server. The only one who will be an Op will be me. Oh and no Cheating (Duh). You will also need a decent computer (4 Gb Ram). You will need to be Mature (for your age).

So to get on the server you will need to fill out this. If you qualify, I will put you on the server's whitelist. I Thanks!

Name (or nickname):

Minecraft username:

Age (at least 10):

How long you have been playing Minecraft:

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic:

How much you play Minecraft per week:

Why you want to play on this server:

What your favorite things about Minecraft is:

Do you have skype and a microphone:\

_-=Rules=-_ Do not cheat. Don't grief. Be nice and helpful. And most of all, Have fun!


Name (or nickname):Brett

Minecraft username:Master5o

Age (at least 10):13

How long you have been playing Minecraft:2 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic:1 year

How much you play Minecraft per week:everyday

Why you want to play on this server:For me and my freind we just started playing a year ago and want to be staff to help out

What your favorite things about Minecraft is:Build and give people stuff

Do you have skype and a microphone:\Yes i have skype and a micro



Minecraft Username=thebigman300

How long been playing minecraft=3years

how long been playing tekkit/technic=2years

Why i want to play= To have Fun and Chat Good Servers are hard to find

Favorite thing to do=Build Mine & Wire machinery



How often do i play minecraft?=everyday possible (which is just about 6 days a week)


Name (or nickname): Collin

Minecraft username: imagoham

Age (at least 10): 16

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 2 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: 1 year

How much you play Minecraft per week: as much as possible... depending on schedule

Why you want to play on this server: so i can be on a small fun server with others

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: the building part of the game and machines

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes


Name (or nickname):Christian

Minecraft username:Ruleurface

Age (at least 10):13

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 1 1/2 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: 6 months

How much you play Minecraft per week: 3 hours a day

Why you want to play on this server: To play with my friend! I will tell him to apply today.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is:I don't have a favorite, but if i had to pick it would be Competitive Games.

Do you have skype and a microphone: Yepper!


Name (or nickname): Michael

Minecraft username: cocakolalight1

Age (at least 10): 13

How long you have been playing Minecraft: about 2 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: maybe just under a year

How much you play Minecraft per week: almost everyday

Why you want to play on this server: I dont want to play alone and my server (hamachi) doesnt work for my friend

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: I dont know i just like the whole game

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes of course


Name (or nickname): johny

Minecraft username: kissankusi69

Age (at least 10): 13

How long you have been playing Minecraft: about 4 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: maybe just under a year

How much you play Minecraft per week: almost everyday

Why you want to play on this server: I dont want to play alone and my server (hamachi) doesnt work for my friend

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: I dont know i just like the whole game

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes of course


Name (or nickname): Jacob

Minecraft username: dragonovaking

Age (at least 10): 13

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 1 year.

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: just under a year.

How much you play Minecraft per week: everyday about an hour.

Why you want to play on this server: I want to play with my friend ChristiandoesMC.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: I just like the whole game.

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes of course


Name (or nickname): Torri

Minecraft username: askerck

Age (at least 10): 16

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 2,5 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: almost 1 year

How much you play Minecraft per week: 10 hours

Why you want to play on this server: I am looking for a good Tekkit lite server, and have not find one yet

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: Mining and building machines

Do you have skype and a microphone: Yes


Name (or nickname): Leo

Minecraft username: johnshone (getting new account soon)

Age (at least 10): 15

How long you have been playing Minecraft: since v1.3

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: since 25/12/12

How much you play Minecraft per week: daily

Why you want to play on this server: Because it will be a good close community

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: mods

Do you have skype and a microphone: Skype no mic


Ok, sorry for taking a few days to get back, but here is a few people that will go on the whitelist. Termsoferror404. Hebigman300. ChristianDoesMC and dragonovaking. So that is all for now, but I will come back again tommorow or later today.

Few things about my self. Name: Vinnie Minecraft username: summersquad I have been playing minecraft for almost 3 years. And I am 12. I play Minecraft about 50 hours a week. I have been playing tekkit for about 1 year. And my favorite thing about minecraft is... Exploring the world.

I will also need your skype username for those who are on the whitelist. I will tell you when the server is up. The server ip is:


Name (or nickname): Alex

Minecraft username:wiiboy222

Age (at least 10):19

How long you have been playing Minecraft:3 years (since alpha)

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: 9 months

How much you play Minecraft per week: About 3-5 Hours A Day

Why you want to play on this server: because it is no pvp and not alot of slots.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: Getting to know people online and co-operation

Do you have skype and a microphone: Yes


i'm gonna apply for the three of us it will be in corresponding order

Nicknames: cpfc, tinyrambo & jamjar

usernames: cpfc543, XXtinyramboXX & jamjar202

ages: 16, 17 & 18

playing minecraft: about a year, nearly 2 years, since alpha

playing tekkit: about 9 months, same & about 3 months more than the others

per week: nearly every day, roughly every other day & nearly every day

this server?: because it looks quiet and civilized

favorite things of minecraft: building machinery, endless possibility, pixel art and fixing the other two's messes

skype: no


Name (or nickname): Michael

Minecraft username: mlsoccer2

Age (at least 10): 17

How long you have been playing Minecraft: about half a year to a year?

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: about a couple of months

How much you play Minecraft per week: 20? I'm not too sure.

Why you want to play on this server: Because I'm looking for a server to have fun in and not the worry of banned items.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: Minecraft? I love working with other people but I never get a chance to... Otherwise, I love building things (always have).

Do you have skype and a microphone: I do but i don't really use them. it's mlsoccer2 for the username. if it's an email, then mlsoccer2@gmail.com.


Name (or nickname): Sinha

Minecraft username: rockBbrenton

Age (at least 10): 16

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 3 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: tekkit,6 months, tekkit lite, 2 months

How much you play Minecraft per week:every day (addicted yet not ashamed)

Why you want to play on this server: not really anygood servers out there with no banned items, because eventually they end up banning half them.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: defenitly not spiders... i would say redstone for vanilla, and anything made by powercrystals (modmaker) in tekkit lite

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes i do, sinha_angel if you want my skype.

Add Info: i think power crystals is one of the best mod makers out there, which is why i like his mine factory reloaded, and also his creativity in making nether ores. (hint when they released minefactory reloaded saying there may be extra ways to get some extra gold...he bumped up the spawn rate of nether gold...SPOILERS!?!?)

the reason why i abondoned FTB and tekkit was mainly because of the new tekkit lite, i think it is a lot more fun then getting confused on FTB and using EE half the time on tekkit. but also because vanilla gets a little old when your stuck mining, farming, housmaking, mining, farming, housemaking, mining, farming...ETC.

will i donate?... if i think that this is a reasonable server that actuallyis of good quality, then i am sure i would donate.


Sure, why not.

Name (or nickname): Chuck

Minecraft username: ChuckDiesel

Age (at least 10): 27

How long you have been playing Minecraft: Three years.

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: Over a year.

How much you play Minecraft per week: Depends, could range anywhere from 20 - 30 hours, to only a few.

Why you want to play on this server: I like playing Tekkit, but most servers have everything banned, so I'm not really used to it. Just looking for a relatively mature playerbase, that doesn't really impose any restrictions on my play style.

What your favorite thing about Minecraft is: the open-endedness of it. Being able to do whatever. Definitely a timesink.

Do you have skype and a microphone: No. I use other VOIP clients instead of Skype.


Name - Jonathan

MC Username - THE_CRAZY_JJ

Age - 16

Over three years.

About a year.

About 5-6 hours a week, maybe more on this.

Looking for a great, small server.

That you can do whatever you want, only limited by imagination.



Name (or nickname): Elijah

Minecraft username: Axz27

Age (at least 10): 17

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 2 Years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: Since it came out

How much you play Minecraft per week: Probably somewhere around 20 hours

Why you want to play on this server: I am looking for a lag free griefer free nice community server

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: WHat is there to not like about minecraft

Do you have skype and a microphone: yes i do


Name (or nickname):jordan

Minecraft username:xdeltaxd0gx

Age (at least 10):13

How long you have been playing Minecraft:about 2 to 2 and a half years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic:about maby 6-7 months

How much you play Minecraft per week:depends on whats going on

Why you want to play on this server:no pvp no banned items low amout of players no griefing abf just fun

What your favorite things about Minecraft is:fighing the bosses

Do you have skype and a microphone:yes name is deltaxdog


Name (or nickname): Taz

Minecraft username:XxTAZxXBDI

Age (at least 10):10

How long you have been playing Minecraft:2 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic:1 year

How much you play Minecraft per week:about 6 days a week

Why you want to play on this server:it sounds fun and since there will be less people i can concentrate more on building stuff then on chat.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is:Building

Do you have skype and a microphone:\ yes i have skype and a michrophone my skype is Tristyn Zitron


Name (or nickname):David

Minecraft username:Davidbdrums

Age (at least 10):13

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 3 years

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: 2 years

How much you play Minecraft per week: about 15 to 20 hours a week

Why you want to play on this server:i want a smalls server where no jerks or mean people are and everyone is friendly and nice

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: Everything

Do you have skype and a microphone: yes


Name (or nickname): Trevor

Minecraft username: NoCreepin66

Age (at least 10): 23

How long you have been playing Minecraft: 3 years and a bit

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: 1.5(ish) years

How much you play Minecraft per week: Up to 45 hours a week. Lately most has been on Tekkit

Why you want to play on this server: I want to find a smaller server in Tekkit Classic to play on with my friends. I hate to see most of the Tekkit servers ban so many things and have so amny unfriendly people with rules. I just want a quiet place to paly Tekkit, with friends.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: Owning a server, I like to see the people in Minecraft. The facination with their creations and how they acn interact with each other. The versatility of it all is just amazing.

Do you have skype and a microphone: Yes I have a Skype, and a microphone.


Name (or nickname): Jordan

Minecraft username: imnothackable

Age (at least 10): 19

How long you have been playing Minecraft: Since early Alpha stages

How long you have been playing Tekkit or Technic: About 3 months

How much you play Minecraft per week: Usually 2 to 3 hours a day, depending on the day.

Why you want to play on this server: Just looking for a good server man, can't seem to find one. Hope this is it.

What your favorite things about Minecraft is: BUILDING!! I love building new things.

Do you have skype and a microphone: Yes! Mic and skype and teamspeak and all of it.

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