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Shadow's Tekkit Experiment


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Greetings everyone, i'm looking to start a 20-30 slot server in which we all play Tekkit Lite. I'm thinking about having it be roleplay, but without any of the fancy plugins seen on other servers. We can use the industrialcraft's refined iron coins to buy things from other players, or simply trade things for things at the other person's discretion.

I have always wanted to have a server full of players, who can be trusted with not griefing the server, or any of their peers. This is why I intend to have the server whitelisted, the template for application to the whitelist will be printed below.

I do not plan on adding any admins other than myself, purely to prevent abuse and to stop other people from cheating and spawning items in. I am only going to be admin in the event that one of you snaps and tries burning down a house, that way I don't have to run over to the host computer and access the console.

I have always been interested in the concept of civilization, which is mainly what fuels my curiosity to start the server. Things like hunger or thirst (I might add a thirst mod if possible) will be commonplace in the beginning, but as we as a society progress, problems like that will disappear and newer problems will arise.


NO Griefing: Don't burn people's houses down, and don't break thing's that aren't yours.

(I don't mind if you steal things, just be prepared to go to jail if you're caught)

Nuking things is the easiest way to be PERMBANNED, so don't do it :3

Be Creative! Don't set limits for your imagination, make your buildings look cool, make

your own religion, make machines to solve problems, etc...

Be nice: Don't call people retarded, don't use the n-word or the f-word or any other

discriminatory terms. I understand we slip up sometimes, but if you do it too much,

I might have to ban you.

The server won't start up until I have at least 5-10 approved whitelist applications. This is just so that we don't get too far ahead without the rest of the people who join in later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whitelist Application~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Minecraft Username:


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite:

Why do you think I should whitelist you?

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N


I'll check this often, So don't forget to check back as well to see if your application got approved!


Oh yeah, i'm open to suggestions, so if you have any, post them along with your whitelist application!

Good luck guys! Hope to see you in game! :3

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Really like the post *claps* for you, they are time consuming.

Minecraft Username: TheTekkitTurtle

Age: 17

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Tekkit lite couple of months 2 maybe 3, but

Tekkit Class. for like a year.

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I want to grow my tekkit lite skills, but enjoy a lil FRIENDLY competition. And i understand that Minecraft is for creativity and adventure, and i know that there is times and places for things such as pvp and so on.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? Best thing was i ranked up from a helper, to mod, to admin, to head admin, to op on a foreign server (meaning not English). Just got off of a gaming community team, for time restraints. OH, another thing was finding this post haha.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N, Y

Um, ill give other suggestions if i get approved, but i do believe you should just take out the MystCraft mod, before everything else.

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Minecraft Username:Bombster649


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: I am bearly begging on tekkit but i have almost 3 years on minecraft.

Why do you think I should whitelist you?I think you should whitelist me because i plan on bringing good to your server.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?Buildings. :)

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Of-course

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Minecraft Username: theRAINBOWsheep1

Age: 15

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: 0 days

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I think I have a lot of ideas for this kind of server and I feel that I may help out a good deal. I tend to be a bit more mature than a good deal of people my age, and I would really like to learn about tekkit.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? I am somewhat new to minecraft. I suppose the best thing I have done is the castle I am working on, but I know I can do better.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes!

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Minecraft Username: theRAINBOWsheep1

Age: 15

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: 0 days

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I think I have a lot of ideas for this kind of server and I feel that I may help out a good deal. I tend to be a bit more mature than a good deal of people my age, and I would really like to learn about tekkit.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? I am somewhat new to minecraft. I suppose the best thing I have done is the castle I am working on, but I know I can do better.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes!

Just one thing, If I am accepted, is there any way you could help me figure out how to get on? I've tried getting into a few different servers, but they are all out of date, and I can't figure out how to change the version on my minecraft file... yeah, I have about the technological skills of a brain damaged hamster...

Hey i can help you, if you need it, just pm me your email and ill help you get on to servers and whole bunch of other things. Lets see if we can raise those tech. skills to a non-braindead hamster. :D

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Minecraft IGN: AnxiousPandora

Age: 18

Play time: A few days (3-4 total)

Why: Well, the goal is to build with some friendly people and I think I would be a good addition. I don't blow up the chat, I have no problem sharing, and I just like to have a good time.

Best thing: I really don't know. I build a lot so I guess some of my houses would be the best things.

Promise to follow the rules: Of course.

Hope to hear from you soon, been looking for a chill server for a while.

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Minecraft Username: kakian12


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Tekkit lite: few months Tekkit classic: 2 1/2 years

Why do you think I should whitelist you? Im an expert on all things in tekkit and i would love to join this server

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? Build the taj mahal in vanilla minecraft w/o creative (not easy x.x)

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N (Y)

Reply Soon! Cant wait to join!

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Minecraft Username: jojothebobot

Age: 17

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: For about a week, but I've been playing Tekkit Classic for almost a year now and Feed the Beast for several months.

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I've been very interested in Tekkit Lite. For a while now, I've been very dedicated in playing modded minecraft. However, I realized that Tekkit Classic has been effectively discontinued. However, when I try finding a server, it seems that everything is based upon getting more players, getting more votes, getting more money. It almost seems like a scam. It's always vote for a bajillion diamonds a day and 500000 dollars to buy 100 mass fabricators at an admin store. There's no real experience, it's almost like a creative server at that point. That's why I want to join this server. I think that it will be a genuine server, where I won't have to learn how to use a worldprotection plugin, or worry that the player next to me will spawn kill me.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? Finally completing one of Vechz hardcore maps

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Yes!

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Minecraft Username:FOUGHT_UNICORN


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite:well i just really started playing tekkit lite but i have been playing classic for months now

Why do you think I should whitelist you?I agree to follow the rules, and this is one of the best tekkit lite server pages ive seen up as there arent very many up anyway. and i need a place to really get used to tekkit lite.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?in tekkit classic i have made a self sustainable company named bronze co. that constantly produced lots of bronze!

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Yes!

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Minecraft Username: Pingo2400

Age: 17

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Since September 2012

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I enjoy playing tekkit. I am good with it, I am smart and respective. I want to join a roleplay server or a great community. Anyways thanks.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? Probably a redstone calculator.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Yes

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Minecraft Username:iimaul


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: 1 month

Why do you think I should whitelist you? Im a person who loves playing on small servers =D

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? i can make massive mines to find resources

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Y!

Just so you know im related to kakian12!

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Minecraft Username: natemnate


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: sense it came out.

Why do you think I should whitelist you? i love to play tekkit and I'm very good at it.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? build a mob spawner... i guess

and be moderator and ambassador

D.o you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N: yes/Y

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minecraft username mebuddy101


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: for 5 month

Why do you think I should whitelist you? i love to play tekkit and I'm ok at and i dont gref

What is the best thing you have ever done i helped friend and others out with problems

D.o you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes i promis not to breack rules

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Minecraft Username: monsay123

Age: 15

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: I have been playing Tekkit Lite since it came out. However I am an old Tekkit Classic tekkiteer so I get started pretty quick.

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I have just had it with the last server I was on, I was griefed then all of myt stuff was stolen, even my cobblestone floor, like what the heck.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? A team of RPGers and me have built a 400 person a day RPG server from the ground up and are about to reopen it for its second grand opening.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? It is only breaking the rules if your caught. I probably won't do it if not by accident.

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Minecraft Username:oddie0809


How long you have been playing Tekkit: 2 years

Why do you think I should whitelist you? Im responsible enough

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? make a rollercoaster

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes

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Alright guys! The good news is, everyone who has replied to this thread since my last post have been approved for the white-list! Congratulations!

The bad news is, my server computer is kind of having a few problems at the moment, I hope to get it up and running within the next few days... keep your fingers crossed!

Also, this last post doesn't signify the end of the application period, I've decided to make the server 30 slot so everything is fair game until I get 30 approved players :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Minecraft Username: Magtharidon3


How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Played Tekkit Classic since 1.7.3, Tekkit lite for 4 months ish.

Why do you think I should whitelist you? Though I am quite young, I am sensible and can help people solve technological problems as I advance quite quickly.

What is the best thing you have ever done in Minecraft? Caught a Tekkit Classic griefer off Guard and killed him. No, I am serious. That was a good day.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? I promise.
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Minecraft Username: lostsouls50

Age: 23

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: about 2 years

Why do you think I should whitelist you? I have been looking for a small community for some time never found that place to call home :( I wana feel like im part of something bigger.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?

ive been working on a frame world building factory atm with forklifts and much much more.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes indeed

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Minecraft Username: Karlis31452

Age: 13

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Since the first Tekkit Lite servers appeared.

Why do you think I should whitelist you?: I seek servers where being cooperative is key to success. I prefer to be in a mass of people, working together to achieve something. Never before have I seen a server where this much people have one unified goal, so this would be a truly interesting experience.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft?: Influenced servers to make them better, giving a better experience for players.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Y/N Y.

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Minecraft Username: Ozey15

Age: 19

How long you have been playing Tekkit Lite: Since the New Launcher update

Why do you think I should whitelist you? Because I am intrested in the server, and feel that this server is more Safer than a Non-whitelist server.

What is the best thing you have ever done in minecraft? I moderated a few servers and helped build for others, as well as promoted some.

Do you promise not to break any of the rules posted above? Yes, You have my word.

Other notes: If you Make this server into a rollplay server heres a few inputs then

In Character Info:

Character name: Hei Fang

Race: Human

age: 21

Body build: Thin, normal sized, Lightly Muscled

Character discriptions: dressed in a black suit with green hair, yellow eyes and a black fadora

Backstory: born from a poor family, he grew up in rage, with black hair and blue eyes. his life was handed food from those who are less poor then him, his parents worked in a factory and when they have a mandatory "take your child to work day" he learned how to run some of the technology, and build it himself, ageing up to be 15 he was a foreman to the factory where his parents worked, They became proud of him as money begain to flow and make things more and more bearable for the rest of the family, a year after his hard work he fell into a container full of Unknown substances, when he got out/pulled out his genetics was messed up and his body was bear, as they rushed him to a Medical center. The doctors are surprised he lived, but even found that he was able to heal faster, And that some sickness doesn't effect him. When his eyes open they found his eye color changed, he then refused to stay in medical care, as he returned to his factory, where it was then shut down from his own accident, Packing up and wearing his Good suit he moved from his home town and set forth looking to make his own factory from the ground up. when he became 18 his hair was a yellowish green, and he happen to found a town to settle in but didn't stay long due to the town already having its own small factory, he soon took the road again, This time determine to make a town first before his factory, even then he wondered if he grow to have his own, at age 20, his hair fully changed green and his thoughts changed, He no longered remembered much of his pass, or how to build some of the technology he so much loved to work with, His attitude of being up beat and happy, changed to a dull being. a year later he became more smiles again and full of laughter, he even developed a strange sense of humor as well as behavior. Most people find him fun to be around others are frightened by the randomness of his aura.

Fears: cats, Technophilia people, Creepers.

Likes: any types of music, Machines, Knifes.

Personality: Humored all the time.

A lady just got her handbag stolen by a thief and hes running to keep his loot: *throws a knife pinning the thief's shoulder in to a wall* "its not nice to take things that don't belong to you, But its even better to take them from the thief!" *grins wickedly as he take the bag quickly finishing off the Thief and leaving the bag only taking a few coins*

A young boy tries to steal bread from a baker what do you do?: *puts money on the counter paying for the childs bread* "maybe someday you don't have to do that?"

You see a necklace on a lady and you seem to like it: "my, my that's a nice necklace, where have you manage to get one?" *he grins, complementing her*

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