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[0.6.1] Small Close Community Tekkit Lite Server Grief Prevention, CoProtect, Whitelist

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12 near 13 but really mature

Location England

Build style varied

Why u want to join gone on many tekkit classic servers but get carried away with EE and want a great mature server to play on

I can offer fairly good building skills and knowledge of tekkit classic mods

Email popsnop123@gmail.com

IGN popsnop123


13 and humorous

location east coast US, Georgia

Build style also varied

There are many public servers to play on but in which u dont get fun do to the amount of players on them. I would like an experience with a couple friends in which i can offer all my hardwork and experience in tekkit.

Email- yericin@gmail.com



Age 14

Location Eastern time zone(US)

Build Style: fairly simple, i can also do immensly complicated.

Why you want to join: I want a good, PVE server without the

What you can offer i'm pretty knowlegeable of tekkit

Email Hashiyyin@gmail.com

IGN Xxavier

My friend also wants me to sign him up

Age 15

Location Us

Build Style simplistic

Why you want to join: want a good non griefer community

What you can offer overal helpfulness and support

Email dickhead272@gmail.com

IGN blueswerl


22(but VERY mature for my age) :P


Contemporary, Victorian, Techy, Occasionally a modern mix of them all(layered, techy, then Victorian, then contemporary, then basic)*essentially moving through ages of building evolution*

I rather Love Tekkit Upon Tekkit Lite coming out I have been playing it frequently, in single player, I can submit one of my worlds as a sample of my work(spent about three hours working so far, no creative mode) And I would enjoy joining a close nit server, which wont die down in a week after it is opened up.

I can offer roughly 4/6 hours of gameplay/work every day, I can assist in building, helping people, And I rather enjoy building houses that others can use (eg, power Armour tables, etc that people can use, however keeping my supplies in locked chests)


I have no IGN account, and Do not particularly feel like making yet ANOTHER online account that I have to remember password information for.





Build Style: Computercraft

Why you want to join: I want to program cool things for other people.

What you can offer: All kinds of cool stuff with computers, I can computerize people's homes and work on interesting things that people have ideas for


IGN: n/a


Age: 19

Location: US East

Build Style: see signature

Why you want to join: I don't like big overbuilt servers

What you can offer: Knowledge of IC2, BC, MFR, vending machines, cookie factories, auto-crafting machine, three architectural styles(rustic, industrial and futuristic), the inability to think small, the ability to cram stuff in small places, my own modpack(somthing small I made because I found some cool mods that are not in Tekkit), good at explaining stuff, and I think I'll just stop there.

Email: eegxeta@yahoo.com

IGN: Eegxeta


Cool thanks. For some reason it doesn't seem to be displaying my signiture.

The more obnoxiously gratuitous a structure is the more fun it is to build it.

Well that is the part the matters.


Age 19

Location Michigan US

Build Style Mideval

Why you want to join beacause friend are playing on the server (xxavier)

What you can offer Work (awesomeness0

Email zangahato@gmail.com

IGN Zangahato

Age 15

Location North Carolina

buildstyle Nice

Why u wanna join? Friends

what can you offer? Some tekkit knowledge and great building skill

Email cabieingram@yahoo.com

ign Brucel33roy




Small houses and labs

I want to join because it's hard to find a tekkit server that is small and relax with a mature community and I found this server so why waste my chance :D

I can offer my help for buildings and systems with the tekkit mods, I really like computercraft and i'm learning lua script to make complex programs




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