Spongeman131 Posted April 23, 2013 Posted April 23, 2013 Alright everyone, after trying to get help on the forums and being disappointed, I set out to do this myself. It's quite easy which is perhaps why no one bothered to tell me. There is one assumption I am making before we start this: The mods you install on both your server and client are universal versions If this is not the case then make sure you use the server version of whatever mod you are installing. I will not be covering this case here however. The most important part of this setup is to actually have a working client first. This means a few things: -when downloading and launching the pack for the first time from the Launcher you can create and play in a world -when playing the pack for the second time after setup has been performed, you can still make and play in a world THIS LAST STEP IS CRITICAL. SIMPLY SETTING UP THE PACK THE FIRST TIME CAN RESULT IN ERRORS BECAUSE CONFIG FILES ARE NOT LOADED ONLY GENERATED ON THE FIRST LAUNCH AND CONFLICTS CAN ARISE Alright, so you've got your client all setup finally, everyone can download from the platform url. You're actually almost done. First, create the folder in the directory where you will be hosting your server from eg "Program Files(x86)/Minecraft/Server/MyCustomModPackServer" Within this folder you need to copy and paste the following folders from your pack (after it has been played atleast twice and config files have been generated and resolved): -"coremods" -"mods" -"config" DO NOT BRING OVER ANYTHING ELSE INCLUDING FOLDERS SUCH AS "matmos" (don't bring that) Once you've got those in, grab a copy of the "minecraftserver.jar" for the version of Minecraft your pack is running on and stick it in with the folders you just copied over. This will probably be for version 1.4.7. Then, go into your mods (and maybe coremods folder depending on the mods you installed) and delete the .zips or .jars for any of the following types of mods: -inventory mods (eg. NEI) -map mods (eg. REI's Minimap) -atmosphere mods (eg. MAtmos -this means delete the "matmos" folder if you did ignore earlier steps. It also means delete the matmos.zip/.jar file in you "mods" folder) You probably installed FML right? Universal? Yessiree. Just like you did for "modpack.jar" extract all the files from the forge archive. Except this time, repackage them naming the archive as "*mymodpacknamehere*.zip" (the name here doesn't matter, you just need to reference it later) and rename the .zip extension to .jar. Almost there, now you just need to make a launch method. In order to maintain proper formatting, I suggest you grab yourself a proper txt editor such as Notepad++. It's free and can be downloaded here Right-click somewhere empty in your folder and go New -> Text Document. Rename this document to "launch". Open up this new document in Notepad++ and add in your launch parameters. My current server computer has 8GB of RAM and this is the launch parameter I use. You will probably have to modify the number of parallel threads and allocated RAM to suit your system. java -Xmx7168M -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -server -Xincgc -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=4m -jar modname.jar nogui @exit Go and save this file as a .bat extension in your folder. You can tell you did it right because the icon for the file should change and now have a tiny gear inside it. You can go ahead and delete the "launch.txt" file you created earlier. Open up "launch.bat" in Notepad++, create a new line above[/] everything else, at the beginning of this line add: #!/bin/sh Go and save this file as "launch.sh" where .sh is the file extension. You should be goo to go. Double click launch.bat and let the server do its thing, once it's started up for the first time, you'll probably want to go and change the "server.properties" file but that doesn't need a tutorial. Hope this has been helpful. Quote
legoboyz3 Posted November 14, 2013 Posted November 14, 2013 Ok, I get your instructions, but when I do everything and run lauch.bat, it starts up perfectly fine, but then it crashes. A link to the crash report is here http://pastebin.com/YK0S00bs. If anyone knows what the problem is then respond to this post :) Quote
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