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My server only lags at night! tracert paste inside!

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Each night during peak play times my server begins to lag. chest will not open blocks respawn your normal lag stuff. then the overflow errors and socket reset crashes start. During all this ping is fine. and here is a paste bin of the trace routes. http://pastebin.com/iSkaQc1c I am running this on a dedicated server and I have given it 12GB of ram. Any questions or suggestions?

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i have had a similar issue with a server and ended up having the bond the ethernets in order to handle the players, if you are using a gigabit ethernet make sure to have jumboframes enabled and you may want to check some of the adapter settings

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I am running a blank box/dedicated server with vmware/esxi With 3 virutal machines running. the one with this server is an Ubuntu lamp server with only MyMcAdmin added. When these crashes start I see this in my console:

Welcome back, chippewaguy13

[iNFO] Transforming ls using ls !test!

[iNFO] java.net.SocketException: Socket closed

[iNFO] at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(SocketOutputStream.java:116)

[iNFO] at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:153)

[iNFO] at org.bouncycastle.crypto.io.CipherOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)

[iNFO] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:82)

[iNFO] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:140)

[iNFO] at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(DataOutputStream.java:123)

[iNFO] at net.minecraft.network.TcpWriterThread.run(SourceFile:121)

chippewaguy13 has left.

[iNFO] chippewaguy13 lost connection: disconnect.overflow

[iNFO] -28

My server has only one physical NIC

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check your ifconfig, makes sure that the settings are correct or change some if they seem odd, you might want to get another nic to try out bonding if you have router to support it, it is not very hard to do in ubuntu and can drasticly help. i have been there with very similar errors before and it corrected it and fix the lag that was experienced while playing, you may also want to use netstat to see what is going on with that nic while everything is running and after or during a crash if you can.

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