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I have it all set up and it will download correctly, however, on startup, the modpack.jar does nothing, making the game completely vanilla, anyone know how to fix this? I've made sure the modpack jar has forge and is compiled correctly. It is, but it still doesn't work. Help!


What guides did you follow? What kind of errors are you getting? How many times did you try? What archiver did you use? Did you disable hiding of file extensions? Did you name it modpack.jar without any caps/other formating? Did you set the compression method to best?

If you answered "no" or "I don't know" to ANY of those then you need to repeat your procedure following a guide you have not yet looked at or reread the ones you have. Also, please take a look at "Luke's (Hopefully) Comprehensive modpack making guide". It's sticky'd here and goes into vast detail of making the modpack.jar.



I followed a guide on Youtube on how to make a modpack with the launcher, the modpack downloads everything correctly, however the modpack.jar does not work. I get no errors. I used WinRAR, I've tried 3 times now with the same results, the modpack.jar is named "modpack.jar" and it is infact a jar file.


There is always an error log. Don't keep making it the same way.

Try another guide, try several. No guide is a one stop shop.


when you drag and drops files needed from minecraft.jar into modpack.jar Always Place forge In First!! and your zipped modpack must be in a file server like dropbox NOT MEDIAFIRE OR Any Stupid servers like that Use dropbox much safer!


Also, luke, thanks for indirectly calling me an idiot. I love it when people do that, just because one does not know how to do one thing does not mean they are an idiot, I've been fixing small things around my modpack for several days now, not doing the same thing and expecting different results. I'm not a genius, but I'm not an idiot either, I'm just new at this, that's all.

Didn't work. It uses the wrong FML version. *sigh*


Did you compress it as a zip or a rar? There's a huge difference.

Sorry about the idiot thing. I'm just buggered today from irl.

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