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I've been working on a modpack for quite a while now, but changed it's name in my dropbox. I got the new link and placed it in the modpack location box on the modpack creator/editor. However, it is now failing to grab any of the files (including modpack.jar) and only downloading vanilla minecraft. If anyone can help and explain why this is, that would be great. I will give any extra information anyone needs to solve this.




Q: My modpack loads vannilla! What did I do wrong?

A: There are a few things that could have happened:

  • Most likely you did not link your pack from your host to the platform right. Make sure that if you go to the link in your Internet browser it downloads your pack without having to press any butons on screen or otherwise.
  • You compressed the folder that bin, mods, coremods, and config was in insted of copressing them themselfs.
  • Your modpack.jar was made or named incorrectialy. Re-make it or just take a copy from someone elses pack replacing the old one.

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