Title: Tekkit crash after few minutes of multiplayer
Version: 3.1.2
OS: 64-bit Operating system
Java Version: Version 7 Update 5 (build 1.3.0_05-b06)
Description of Problem:
My tekkit crashes after a few minutes of going on tekkit classic multiplayer
( The server i go on is Makeshift-Minecraft if this helps ) it doesnt show a bug report or anything it just crashes and i cant go on the server again for a day!
Title: Tekkit crash after few minutes of multiplayer
Version: 3.1.2
OS: 64-bit Operating system
Java Version: Version 7 Update 5 (build 1.3.0_05-b06)
Description of Problem:
My tekkit crashes after a few minutes of going on tekkit classic multiplayer
( The server i go on is Makeshift-Minecraft if this helps ) it doesnt show a bug report or anything it just crashes and i cant go on the server again for a day!
Error Messages:
Error Log:
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