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Tinker's Construct and server commands causing strange issue.


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Now this may seem a bit silly, but hear me out. I am running a server for me and a few friends, but none of us seemed to be able to enchant Tinkers Construct tools. One of my friends realized that we could not do it with modifiers on the tools, so I told him I would spawn in a tool. I used the /give command to give myself an iron shovel, and upon receiving it I was subsequently force-disconnected by the server. I have repeatedly tried to reconnect to the server, but I get a brief flash of game and then the server disconnects me again. I have checked the obvious, like white-list silliness or accidentally banning my own IP somehow, but nothing. I don't understand what to do from here, as there are no actual error reports. Some help on this would be greatly appreciated.

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I am running and playing the server off of my laptop. The server client does not give me any notices, it just says that it disconnected me every time I log in.

Try making a new folder and putting the following files from the old server in it:








And your map file. Named either world or after your server.

I'll give u a clean slate.

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On the issue of not enchanting TC items, if you add looting to the tools with lapis, it should then let you repair and add enchants to the items with the enchanting table..

You may be able to delete your character file from the world folder. You will lose all the items you have on your character, but you may be able to connect.

I have done this a few times when I get odd stuff happen and it only effects 1 person.

Now this may seem a bit silly, but hear me out. I am running a server for me and a few friends, but none of us seemed to be able to enchant Tinkers Construct tools. One of my friends realized that we could not do it with modifiers on the tools, so I told him I would spawn in a tool. I used the /give command to give myself an iron shovel, and upon receiving it I was subsequently force-disconnected by the server. I have repeatedly tried to reconnect to the server, but I get a brief flash of game and then the server disconnects me again. I have checked the obvious, like white-list silliness or accidentally banning my own IP somehow, but nothing. I don't understand what to do from here, as there are no actual error reports. Some help on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Thanks. I actually did manage to find a crash data thingy on the server client, it was just hidden in the mumbo-jumbo of 3 people mining and getting xp. It loads my IP, has a fatal error, makes reference to a lot of Tinker's Construct files, then disconnects me. The new server works just fine, Thanks :)

Edit: I have a log of just me trying to connect, with the following errors. However, it is rather long and I don't know how to shorten it up to a reasonable length.

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Thanks. I actually did manage to find a crash data thingy on the server client, it was just hidden in the mumbo-jumbo of 3 people mining and getting xp. It loads my IP, has a fatal error, makes reference to a lot of Tinker's Construct files, then disconnects me. The new server works just fine, Thanks :)

Edit: I have a log of just me trying to connect, with the following errors. However, it is rather long and I don't know how to shorten it up to a reasonable length.

You could post it to pastebin

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Easy answer to why: you tried to spawn in a TC tool with no metadata. The way mDiyo built the tools is so that it's basically a special blank tool item that takes on defined properties on creation in the Tool Bench. All of this is stored in that specific tool's metadata, so that it knows how to render the item correctly.

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