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Pre generate Big dig map?


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I want to pregenerate my bid dig world and I'm wondering if someone has done this successfully.

What I've tried so far.

BukkitForge for 1.52 build #301 + WorldBorder 1.7.2b

But when I use the /fill command I just receive errors in the console and nothing really happens.

I've also tried using MinecraftLandGenerator (MLG) with some changes to the config it generates. The biggest change would be changing the java line to start the BigDig jar file.

Tried this on two machines,

Win7x64 with Java 7 and

Debian with Java 6

So if someone's done this successfully, please share your methods!



Found a solution,

Downloaded mcpc-plus-1.5.2-R1.1-forge738-B615.jar and replaced the BigDir.jar file with it. Placed WorldBorder in the plugins folder and it worked!

Hopefully this will help someone in the future.

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