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I did a couple google searches on how to configure it, and the best I can find is the root/config/immibis.cfg

However this configuration file is structured way differently than what I'm use to (Bukkit/plugin configs)

Basically what I want to do is ALLOW players to use Dimensional Anchors, but I would like to limit how many they can have.

I came across this post http://tekkitclassic.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:80560#11

Which is exactly what I want, but that line is nowhere in my config file so I have no clue where to place it or anything (Probably because that's the ClassicTekkit Wiki and I'm running the newest version 1.0.6)

I'm assuming that to set the number of allowed Anchors would be under the "Player Quota Override" but again, I have no clue how to structure it

# Configuration file



# block



block {







# chunkloader



chunkloader {


    # playerQuotaOverride



    playerQuotaOverride {







# general



general {






    # comma-separated list of id:meta=number-of-ticks or id=number-of-ticks




    # Type of quota management to use for chunk loaders. Allowed values: perplayer, unlimited








# item



item {






# logging



logging {

    # Name of a file to keep updated with a list of all active chunk loaders. Blank for none.



    # Name of a file to log creation, deletion and editing of chunk loaders to. Blank for none.





Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if you could show an example of the code in [.code] [./code] tags that'd be great so I know the exact number of spaces and stuff that I need to put


# Type of quota management to use for chunk loaders. Allowed values: perplayer, unlimited





if you want to limit there use of the chunk loader all you would need to do is change the value for unlimited to perplayer like so


Then in another config file ( i forget which one, but it should be Chicken chunk loader or forge chunk loader ETC. ) you will find a section that limits the amount of chunks a player can keep loaded over all chunk loading devices.

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