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request for Ubuntu users


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I have made a helper program for slower PC's and even the new ones. this program install everything needed to run Technic-launcher. And even lets you install mods and textures more easily.

My request is to have testers for my little helper.

you can install it from https://launchpad.net/~xorrito/ archive/fitmc

and you can see the code at https://github.com/xorrito/FitMc

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Hm, I'm not sure killing all that is needed, considering that if someone's running Ubuntu on a slower comp, it's most likely more along the lines of xubuntu or lubuntu. Either way, I'll try this in a VM when I get some time. Don't really feel like getting my unity killed, I multitask while playing :P

PS: If you're running on a slow computer, I would suggest Crunchbang. I've got a netbook with a 1.5ghz atom and 1g of ram and #! was a breath of new life for it. With optifine and settings at lowest, I can even run modded mc with 60 fps on it.

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well its for my friends computer. as he is not too computer save unity is very intuitive and as he doesn't really multitask its very good for him. also FitMc is kinda forked from steam login. and steam login starts in a unity/nautilus free environment.

also as I've test fitmc on my friends computer it does seem to help it a lot.

I know its rather erratically for something so simple but I'm going for easy of use and user friendly. and Ubuntu is just that too.

ps :P thank you for taking your time to try it I appreciate all feedback

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