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[0.6.5] Long Distance-craft [PvP][PvE][15 Slots][No-Whitelist][Nothing Banned]

Wyatt Selander

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No rules anything goes, except try not to crash the server.

I'm looking for some people that can play with us regularly. The server is open to all currently there are 4 people who play all the time in their free time and I am hoping to find some more players like this or even just some casual gamers. The server is up 24/7 no lag and is open to the public. The world as of today will be brand new so the faster you get in the faster you can get ahead!


The few people I have playing with me are close internet friends of mine who love to play Minecraft all the time. We open the server mainly to hop e to meet new people that can become more of these types of friends to play with.

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