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World not working?


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I was playing normally last night then my computer crashed. It said your computer has crashed and I didn't read anymore because I was in shock. Right before the screen went away I saw if you have not seen this screen before..... I didn't see more than that. This morning I booted up my computer and it worked fine but when I turned on my tekkit server it was fine. When I booted up tekkit I went to multiplayer and saw that my server was not up. It was though. (This server is localhost). I tried logging in anyways and it wont load the server. It keeps saying logging in. I tried going into singleplayer and trying it. It stayed on the building terrain menu forever. Well, when I booted up the server again I noticed it said a lot of junk. I tried to go into the log and see if I could copy and paste it on here, its not in the log. It was only in the console. I will upload my world file and if you can help please do! I really worked hard on this world! http://www.mediafire.com/download/wmnyyzb0kvwhuna/world.zip

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first of all, this isn't the section for technical support.

second, nothing that shows up in the console is magically absent from the log files. you're looking in the wrong log file, probably.

third, no one is going to download your corrupt world file just to verify that it is indeed borked.

fourth, if your computer straight up crashed in the middle of play, chances are you are simply not going to be able to recover the world unless you had a backup. there isn't any magic wand for that kind of catastrophic failure.

fifth, when you are looking for technical help, glossing over every important detail by saying you didn't read the errors, or otherwise couldn't be assed to gather any pertinent details and instead presenting a story devoid of relevant information is the worst way to go about getting help.

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