Title: Duplication Glitch - Backpacks and Storage Crates (Hexxit Version 1.0.10)
Version: 1_0_4
OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
Java Version: 1.6 I believe?
Description of Problem:
You can duplicate backpacks (and by extension that backpack's inventory) with this glitch.
This is tested and verified in both SSP and SMP.
First, you'll need a storage crate (might also work with a chest, reinforced chest, locker, reinforced locker, or ender chest... haven't tested...)
Place the storage crate on the ground. Get a backpack. Open it, and modify its inventory (place something in it, take an item out, or place something in and immediately take it back out). Now place the backpack in the storage crate, and wait for the next world save (or invoke a manual world save). Open the crate again, and you'll be able to take out infinite backpacks with the exact same inventory they had when you placed the first one in.
Title: Duplication Glitch - Backpacks and Storage Crates (Hexxit Version 1.0.10)
Version: 1_0_4
OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
Java Version: 1.6 I believe?
Description of Problem:
You can duplicate backpacks (and by extension that backpack's inventory) with this glitch.
This is tested and verified in both SSP and SMP.
First, you'll need a storage crate (might also work with a chest, reinforced chest, locker, reinforced locker, or ender chest... haven't tested...)
Place the storage crate on the ground. Get a backpack. Open it, and modify its inventory (place something in it, take an item out, or place something in and immediately take it back out). Now place the backpack in the storage crate, and wait for the next world save (or invoke a manual world save). Open the crate again, and you'll be able to take out infinite backpacks with the exact same inventory they had when you placed the first one in.
I also made a video showing this in action
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