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Problems - Lag and Such - Need Help Please!

Nic the Awesome

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So I got the *new* technic pack a few days ago, and any of the mod packs i load up are incredibly slow. I would like to know if there is a way to fix it, if this is a common problem with a simple solution or maybe I'm just doing something wrong...

--I own a mac, with OSX Mavericks.

The type of lag:

The entire thing works very slow, so as soon as it starts up I can hover over a button and it lights up with a few seconds delay. In game is also very slow fps.

Before you tell me something please note:

-I have turned down all my settings to best. i.e. fancy->fast, render distance->small etc.

-I have installed the technic pack in a previous version and everything ran very well, no less lag than original minecraft.

I gave the mod pack 2gb of space and still no change.

I would appreciate any help! I can't play in the current conditions.

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