I log into my Multiplayer server and after about half a second the screen goes black and gives me the bug report. It was working fine last night (30/12-13) with no issues what so ever.
The server is running fine with no issues and all versions are, as far as I can see, up to date. Noticed other people having the same problem but have not been able to check with the other people on my server as of yet.
Java has been reinstalled along with all kinds of tricks and checks but no effect. The server has of course been restarted and checked.
Hexxit version on the server as well as on my pc is 1.0.10. (NOT 1.0.4 which is the only option to choose from here)
EDIT: I have check with the other people on my server and they can get in fine. So the issue is on my end.
Error Messages:
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\Jacob\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\hexxit\crash-reports\crash-2014-01-01_02.41.39-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash
Title: Crash on Multiplayer
Version: 1_0_4
OS: Windows 7
Java Version: Java 7 64-bit
Description of Problem:
I log into my Multiplayer server and after about half a second the screen goes black and gives me the bug report. It was working fine last night (30/12-13) with no issues what so ever.
The server is running fine with no issues and all versions are, as far as I can see, up to date. Noticed other people having the same problem but have not been able to check with the other people on my server as of yet.
Java has been reinstalled along with all kinds of tricks and checks but no effect. The server has of course been restarted and checked.
Hexxit version on the server as well as on my pc is 1.0.10. (NOT 1.0.4 which is the only option to choose from here)
EDIT: I have check with the other people on my server and they can get in fine. So the issue is on my end.
Error Messages:
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\Jacob\AppData\Roaming\.technic\modpacks\hexxit\crash-reports\crash-2014-01-01_02.41.39-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash
Error Log:
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