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How do I add a new version to my modpack that people can update to?


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I just created a modpack, and I'm not sure how to add new versions. I've added 2 mods, and want to let people update without just dropping it in the zip and them getting it the next time they think to check for an update or something. Is there not a way to do it for custom modpacks? I can't find any, that's for sure.

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1)Upload new version

2) Replace download link

3) Change version number

I'm going to elaborate on what the hell this means, because this doesn't help.

Go to your modpack VIA the dashboard; locate your modpack. Once you get there, you should see a blue "Edit" button. There, just change the version number to something higher than it already is. IF YOU UPLOADED THE MODPACK TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION, CHANGE THE DL URL, OTHERWISE DON'T.

Does this help?

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