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Client Crashes When Connecting to the Server


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Not sure if this is the right place or not, but I thought I'd leave a post here.


I'm running a 1.6 pack on MCPC+, and when exploring a new world (flying outwards) created with Multiverse, I get the following error randomly: http://puu.sh/6UpEz/26efd0cd2a.png


This error then occurs every time I reconnect. Not sure why, there are no logs in the server console, and this is the only client log with no specific reference to any mods as far as I can see. Was just wondering if anyone's experienced anything similar, or perhaps know a solution.

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Not sure if this is the right place either but, HEY NENTIFY!!!!!! Remember me? Jerrykiddo? The one from before Tekkify became a modpack?? I miss you guys!! I've already made contact with Haidyn and I plan to join in on the new beta server, its gone from good to great!! I cant believe the progress you guys made during those few years! :D I hope to see you soooooon!

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Not sure if this is the right place either but, HEY NENTIFY!!!!!! Remember me? Jerrykiddo? The one from before Tekkify became a modpack?? I miss you guys!! I've already made contact with Haidyn and I plan to join in on the new beta server, its gone from good to great!! I cant believe the progress you guys made during those few years! :D I hope to see you soooooon!

Hey. ^^


http://tekkify.com/teaser ~


Just thought I'd post an update and say I'm an idiot, this thread can be locked.


Edit: Oh there's a solved button too, that's cool. It feels like Stack Overflow in this section. :P

Edited by Nentify
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