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out of date mods


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Is there an error in your client or server log files.

Look in the ForgeModLoader-server-0.log files or server.log that will point out what the problem is.

The last 30 lines should give you an idea of what is wrong, paste them in pastebin.com then send me the link


When upgrading from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 you only need to replace the /mods/ and /config/ folder the rest of the files can be left alone.

Also you have to be careful not to delete your 'world' folder, then you are really stuffed.

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Is there an error in your client or server log files.

Look in the ForgeModLoader-server-0.log files or server.log that will point out what the problem is.

The last 30 lines should give you an idea of what is wrong, paste them in pastebin.com then send me the link


When upgrading from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 you only need to replace the /mods/ and /config/ folder the rest of the files can be left alone.

Also you have to be careful not to delete your 'world' folder, then you are really stuffed.

um I'm sorry but how do I do just that 

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Thanks for the pastie http://pastebin.com/hyz6Pnp3


Your server has booted up as it should.

This error suggests you are having a connection error due to the Minecraft Authentication servers having problems.

Many of my customers have been complaining about the same error this evening.

Is there an error in the client as you try to join? if there is send a screenshot.


  1. 2014-02-16 20:50:27 [iNFO] [Minecraft-Server] /***.***.185.225:59090 lost connection
If it is the Authentication servers you will have to wait until Mojang get this sorted out.
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If you can send me a list of the files in mod folder I can work out which version of the server you have installed.

Just to be sure, what build have you got selected in the client options? just click the gear icon then look at the select build drop down




You can see I am using 1.0.7a - Latest 

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You have not got the latest server installed, as the latest Biomes o plenty file should be biomesoplenty-universal-1.6.4- and you have /biomesoplenty-universal-1.6.4-


This is how you update your server.


  1. Stop your server
  2. Move the /mods/ & /config/ folder to a backup location.
  3. Download the latest version of the server http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bteam/BTeam_Server_v1.0.7a.zip
  4. Extract the zip into another folder called something like bteam1_0_7a
  5. Then move the folders /mods/ /config/ from the bteam1_0_7a folder to where your server is running from
  6. Restart your server, you will now find you can connect since the mods will match
  7. Then make a note of which was the last server you installed, this will come in handy for when you upgrade it again.
  8. I set the server.properties to
    motd=B-Team 1.0.7a Server
    Then you will know what version it is on.
Edited by eonic
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