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Plz help... AOTBT Multiplyer server not joinable...


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Anyone... plz help--- Whenever I load up my AOTBT And go on multiplayer I cant join a specific server (IP= bteamus.stickypiston.co‏)

It says "Cant Reach Hostname" I skype my friend and he is on th server so its just me... I have tried everything, Refresh, Restart AOTBT, Log off then Re login, Redownload Technic launcher, And Even Reseting my laptop. Sometimes It doesnt say "Cant reach Hostname" and I try to join it but then it says that Something about Java exeption. I usually just rage :bang:  and I just wait it out but then when I try again it does the same thing   :shepicide: . Plz help and Thanks For your time. 


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