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Hey guys i have payed for a new attack of the b-team serve and i want to get people on all u have to do is fill out the questions i ask u and read the rules.


1. No stealing From other players (ask them if u want something)

2. No hacking on the server

3. No greifing other players or u will be kicked

4. Try to be on daily

5. Pranks are allowed (No Killing though)

6. No spamming

7. Have fun


IRL nameL 


In Game Name: 


Skype name:


Age: (14-20)


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10)


What do u want to do on the server:


Why u should join the server:




Posted (edited)

IRL nameL: Mike

In Game Name: EvoGamingRomania

Skype name:mihalache11

Age: (14-20) 15

How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 6

What do u want to do on the server: i want to play attack of the b-team with other minecrafters

Why u should join the server: because i like this mod pack and its better when i play with more people

Edited by EvoGamingRomania

IRL name: Ridge


IGN: Omega_slayer_xD


Skype: Omega_slayer_xD




Exp with mod pack: 7


what do you want too do on this server: Enjoy this mod pack and hang out with new people


why you should join the server: because I am a chill person who plays a lot and wants too play with other people who like too play minecraft like me.


IRL name: Cody


In Game Name: Cody Orr


Skype name: orrcody78


Age: 20


How experienced are u with the mod pack: 6


What do u want to do on the server: I want to build mainly and just get to know some cool people to play minecraft with! I am excited to be on with other people and to get the chance to really experience multiplayer in AOTBT!


Why u should join the server: No real reason I guess. It is up to you.


IRL name: Luke

In Game Name: FatAlbert8MyKFC

Skype name:lucaspas23

Age: (14-20) 16

How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 5

What do u want to do on the server: Have fun, and play with a community

Why u should join the server: because I get along with everyone, and would love to meet new friends.


IRL name:  Hans


In Game Name: Hansworst101


Skype name: Hansworst101 but i cant skype often


Age: (14-20) 16


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 7-8


What do u want to do on the server:Explore the mods I don't know and play with a community and have fun doing so in the process 


Why u should join the server: Because I like meeting knew people and I get along with almost everyone, and I think it will be nice getting to get to know new people


IRL name: Trevor 


In Game Name: Physilver


Skype name: sweetboyaudi


Age: 17


How experienced are u with the mod pack: 6.5


What do u want to do on the server: Hang with friends and record some


Why u should join the server: I'm friendly and i like to help others with projects and stuff.


IRL name: zac


In Game Name: wwefan23


Skype name: yurd126


Age: (14-20) 16


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 5


What do u want to do on the server: have fun and play with friends on an attack of the b team server


Why u should join the server: i am looking for a small community to play with some of my irl friends and new people on the server.


Hello there.


IRL name: Max


In Game Name: Maximus_013 


Skype name: devmaeb


Age: (14-20) 15 (almost 16)


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 7


What do u want to do on the server: Play an awesome modpack with awesome people.


Why u should join the server: I can contribute to the community, make new friends and play together.


Very good. Have fun.


IRL name: Dennis


In Game Name: Phif_


Skype name: Sir_Questie


Age: 17 1/3rd of the way to 18


How experienced are u with the mod pack: between 7.5 and 8


What do u want to do on the server: I want to just have fun with the mod pack since I really enjoy it. And I want to screw around with people, trolling wise.


Why u should join the server: I just love being part of a small community and that's about it. I would just like to meet some new people ^^


Just some random extra info: I am dutch, which means I come from the Netherlands (A country located in Europe).

  On 4/30/2014 at 9:28 PM, Phif said:


Just some random extra info: I am dutch, which means I come from the Netherlands (A country located in Europe).



Very good. I am Dutch too. Meatshield is from belgium. Awesome :D


In Game Name: DragonKing129


Skype name: zifahhh


Age: (14-20) 13 (14 in june)


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) probally a 7


What do u want to do on the server: Build, play with others and havefun of course!


Why u should join the server: I could be a good help and I love attack of the bteam, I know quite a bit of this mudpack and I like doing fun stuff, I don't mind pvp but if they keep killing me I will mind


irl name: Nicholas (call me nick)


in game name: RebelWith_A_Hat


Skype name: d.rdisco123


Age: 15


how experienced are you: 7


what do you want to do on the server: have fun make friends and play games!


why should you let me in: i love video games and especially multiplayer experiences and i know quite a bit about the mod pack so i would love to help

Posted (edited)

IRL name: Jamal

IGN: Supaman56bent

Skype: Theminecraftdiamondassociation

age: 16

how experienced: 8

what do you wanna do on the server: hang out, record for youtube

why should I join: my youtube.come/kreenix channel is growing and I have two friends who wants to join and if you add me on Skype, I will put us in a group chat so you can interview them

Edited by kreenix

IRL nameL : Max & Jack


In Game Name: ArcticOreo & Deck6862


Skype name:ubernovavox


Age: (14-20) 14


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 8-9


What do u want to do on the server: Build a town/shopping village with my twin brother Deck6862 IRL name is Jack


Why u should join the server:I want to join this server cause me and my twin want to be in a  small communnity unlike all other server were people always grief

Posted (edited)

IRL name: Kevin


In Game Name: Keniafan1997


Skype name: Keniafan1997


Age: (14-20) 16


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 7,5


What do u want to do on the server: building shops, houses and Jurassic park!


Why u should join the server: I am really looking forward to play on a whitelist AotBT server! You guys look awesome!

Edited by Keniafan1997
Posted (edited)

IRL name: Macualey


In Game Name: makualey


Skype name:m.b12389


Age: (14-20) 16


How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 8/10 Played my own single player and have watched a lot of videos about attack of the b team


What do u want to do on the server: Looking for a active community were everybody is friendly and help each other out when needed


Why u should join the server: I play a lot and would help anyone on the server who wanted it also i am very friendly to everyone and I am a decent builder 

Edited by makualey

Hi there, I've been looking for an Attack Of The B-Team whitelisted server for quite a while now and have came across yours.I've previously been on an AotB-Team whitelisted server but the lagging issues have prevented me from enjoying the modpack.


My name is Shannon,

IGN is MarmyMook

Unfortunately I do not have Skype

Im 14 years old

Im familiar with the majority of the modpack so i'd say 8/10

I would like to make a village/town and get to know some of the mods abit better, I'm a very friendly person and enjoy helping people

I want to play on a safe and secure server with a small community where I can make new friends and enjoy the modpack with them


I really like the sound of your server and would love to join! Thanks.


Hi I've wanted to join a aotbt server for a few weeks and I hope this is the one

My name is Austin

My in game name is cccminer

My skype is Austin.Cardon

I am 16 years old

I'd say for experience I'm like a 6

I want to build very detailed and work on mixing mods for something epic

I should join because I can make some pretty neat stuff given the time

Thanks for reading this I hope you will consider me

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